Introducing Amazon Astro: Household Robot For Home Monitoring With Alexa

Amazon Astro Robot

Meet Astro: Amazon introduces household Robot Astro for home monitoring with Alexa. It comes with a display screen on wheels that works with software program. Amazon Astro uses advanced navigation technology to find its way around your home and go where you need it. When you're not using Astro, it will hang out close by at the ready.

You can stay connected from anywhere. Remotely send Astro to check on specific rooms, people, or things. Plus, get alerts if Astro detects an unrecognized person or certain sounds when you're away.

Astro can follow you with entertainment or find you to deliver calls, messages, timers, alarms, or reminders. Alexa Together is a new way to remotely care for your aging loved ones, giving you peace of mind while helping them live independently. You can remotely care your loved ones by helping them doing set up reminders, manage shopping lists, receive activity alerts and many more.

Astro is built with multiple layers of privacy controls. Turn off mics, cameras, and motion with one press of a button. Define out of bounds zones to let Astro know where it's not allowed to go. If you create a visual ID, Astro uses on-device processing to recognize your face.

Astro comes with a detachable cup holder and can carry other items. With the Astro app, you can see a live view of your home and check in on specific rooms, people, or things. Astro navigates quickly and gracefully through your ever-changing home using advanced learning.

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