iOS Support Coming To Google Stadia


Google's game streaming service Stadia that was announced last year delivers instant access to your favorite games on any type of screen whether it's a TV, laptop, desktop, tablet or mobile phone.

Stadia will stream better than console quality games. It will allow developers to sell their games in new ways, including directly via YouTube and Twitch live streams.

Now, Google Stadia is coming to iOS officially as a web app. Google says, it has been building a progressive web app version of Stadia that will run in the mobile version of Apple's Safari browser, similar to how Microsoft intends to deliver its competing xCloud service on iOS sometime next year. But Google intends to beat Microsoft to the punch with public testing of its version in the coming weeks.

Apple in August clarified its rules around cloud gaming, telling providers like Google and Microsoft that their apps were not allowed on the App Store due to restrictions Apple imposes on software that streams games to the iPhone and iPad.

Apple eventually loosened its restrictions after public criticism from Microsoft and others, but the App Store still requires companies to submit individual games for App Store review.

Google revealed its plans to bring support for more than 135 titles to its service by the end of the year. The company also stated that it launched over 80 games since the launch of Stadia.

It also brought over 100 new features to enhance the gaming experience on the service.Google also mentioned that over 50 Stadia Pro games are on board since the launch of its service.

Nvidia also recently announced its plans to roll out a test version of its cloud-based gaming service GeForce NOW to Apple's iPhone and iPad devices that would work similar to the iOS version of xCloud and Stadia.

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