Mercedes-Benz Launches Vision Avatar Concept Car

Mercedes-Benz launches Vision Avatar Concept Car Today, at CES 2020.

The mercedes-Benz given name Vision AVTR (advance vehicle transportation) concept car, which is inspired by Avatar.

To create its design with the help of Avatar movie director James Cameron. The car is looking as future and biometric tech. The vision AVTR has 33 movable and multi-directional "bionic flaps".

It's gate is transparent. When you sit inside the car, it detects your pulse and sense your breath.

 The concept AVTR's power pack would be completely rare earth and metal free.

Indeed, the materials used would be compostable, alleviating a huge end-of-life concern facing traditional batteries in electric vehicles. Also, the Mercedes describes Vision AVTR can move sideways around 30-degree as called Crab movement.

 Watch Mercedes-Benz launches full Video at CES 2020, Las Vegas.


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