US China Trade War- Huawei Laptops Removed from Microsoft Store

Huawei Laptops Removed from Microsoft Store.

The US President Donald Trump ordered to crack down to Chinese tech company Huawei, now the company difficulty increases with acting to the compliance to do business with other US companies, such as Google Intel, Qualcomm, Broadcom and others.

Microsoft has stopped to sell Huawei Laptops from its store now

The ban is also affects on Huawei's server solutions. Microsoft and Huawei collaboration to operate a hybrid cloud solution for Microsoft Azure stack, using Microsoft-certified Huawei servers.

However, Microsoft is not released any official statement about the potential ban on Huawei.

For now Huawei has been granted a 90 days extension to provide software updates to Android smartphone and also maintain continued operation of existing networks and equipment.

After facing the restriction by US based tech giants, Huawei is working on own Operating System named HongMen.

Huawei consumer group CEO, Richard Yu has said that the company is developing its new operating system and coming by the end of 2019.

Also, the Google ban Huawei by cut the Android License from its devices.

Panasonic also suspends transactions with Huawei after US ban.

"Panasonic announced in [an] internal notification that it should suspend transactions with Huawei and its 68 affiliates that were banned by the US government," the firm said in a statement provided to the BBC.

US-China Trade war, the US argues the Chinese government could use Huawei products for surveillance. Huawei replied, and denies such claims and say it is independent from the Chinese government

About Huawei

Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd. is a Chinese multinational technology company that provides telecommunications equipment and sells consumer electronics including smartphones, headquartered in Shenzhen, Guangdong, China

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