10 Android Q Features - Beta Version

 10 Android Q Features - Beta Version

With Android Q, Google is continuing its work on expanding Android beyond the traditional smartphone, tablet, smartwatch, and television form factors. Google revealed more details about Android Q during the opening keynote at Google I/O 2019. Android Q brings many more new features to your smartphone. Here we are discussing some features of Android Q.

1. Multi-resume feature

The multi-resume feature is a remarkable upgrade in Android Q which enhances the existing features that users usually recognize as ‘Split Screen’ and ‘Picture in Picture’ mode. Under Multi-resume features, users will still use all the split apps in an active mode unlike earlier when apps in the background remain inactive while interacting with an opened app.

This feature enables multitasking for a tech-savvy generation who wish to see multiple apps running simultaneously, regardless of their interaction with the other app screens.

2. Foldable device Support

Google thought of presenting Android Q that effortlessly supports Foldable displays without
exhausting much of battery life. The innovative solution of Android Q lets users make the most out of the way mobile apps appear on the large-screen, resulting in vivid experience.

3. Older Apps alert

Android Q also comes with a brilliant proactive feature of informing users of older apps. It warns and alerts users that installing an app based on previous version won’t let them enjoy the latest features on the smartphone. With such warning sign, users cease to install an application that won’t work on or
support the latest Android OS and rather give inconsistent experience.

4. Improved permission settings

Android Q beta has also improved and revamped its old app permission settings, giving users much control over what they choose to share with downloaded apps. Android Q users will now have an opportunity to limit how much access the apps have to their device’s native features such as location,
camera, gallery, microphone access, etc.

You can also change permission setting for each application and customize the settings of whether or not to provide access ‘all the time’ or ‘once’ or ‘only when the app is running.’

5. Dark Mode

Android Q users will also be able to indulge in Dark mode, an exciting addition to its new set of features. The Dark mode is meant to cut down the battery consumption in running devices using OLED screens. The improved battery life thus allows users to pull off more hours of productivity with their Android device.

6. The dynamic depth effects 

The dynamic depth effects include a file format that has attributes like JPEG, depth-centric XMP metadata and related map. Due to additional details contained within the format, users will experience special blur and bokeh effects in photos. Google is planning to make the format open and features accessible across different Android devices. In the future, we may see 3D images and AR effects.

7. Native Screen Recording

This feature is the epitome of thrill since it adds native screen recording experience to user’s digital interactions. After asking for your permission the first time, it then enables multiple controls in notification shade while recording the screen. Users can even give voiceover that perfectly accompanies the video clip.

8. Sharing Shortcuts

This is another beauty of Android Q where users will have a simplified sharing procedure between apps. With Sharing Shortcuts, users will be able to directly switch from one app to another application for sharing images, videos or any other content.

9. Smarter Locks provision

Android Q beta also shows emphasis on two new smart locks. The first type of digital lock allows users to protract unlock time of the Android device in its unlocked status. The second type of lock is provided to improve the privacy and security of the device that is no longer trusted.

10. Desktop Accessibility

Desktop accessibility is an Android Q feature that has created as much wave in the digital market as the version itself. The desktop mode of Android Q allows users to switch directly to desktop view once they connect the device to an external monitor.

What you see in desktop is the blown up interface of what mobile screen shows. You enjoy multi-windows and ability to move apps around as you wish. At the bottom lies navigation bar, with status bar dwelling at the top. 

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