Advantages of Technology in Modern Education

Advantages of Technology in Modern Education

Advantages of Technology in Modern Education

It was natural for the digital rush to sweep into a futuristic field such as education. The combination is sustainable and dynamic both.

On one hand, the concept of education is the new focus and on the other side, a change is happening with mobile technology in-hand. A perfect example of technology led-education transformation is the emerging formats of learning.
Similarly, no matter where you are, or what time you want to study a subject-topic, it is easy to access the content using the smartphone.  
To say, textbook helps you study harder is no longer a wise comment. Yes, books are an integral part of your preparation for any competitive exams like UPSC, for example. But to limit our knowledge to just the text way of studying is like denying your mind to take a fresh course of action. Well, it is a world of seamless opportunities, isn’t it?
So, here are some more facts to put education plus technology in the right frame.
Add Volume to Your Studies
Say yes and a no to study the routine way. Say yes, because you need as much access to the routine study material like textbooks, mock tests, previous year question papers during your preparation and, say a no because there are new ways to study the same subject. There is a video, there are news snippets, there are coaching institutes to help you choose the right exam material and then, there are textbooks.
Try the New Way of Learning
A competitive exam paper is more demanding now. There is no structured syllabus to refer to literally. For example, it is not possible to read the whole syllabus at one time or using the same studying format every time. It only makes the exam preparation dull and boring. Technology, on the other hand, can help you learn something new every day. You can read, write, learn new things on the subject, the digital way. If a chapter is lengthy and boring and you need to read as much, then pull out a video to make learning more interesting.
Be More Subjective with Technology
Subjects like English and GK necessarily need the internet help. You can practice more, by taking a vocab quiz or searching for more news on the twitter handle of your favourite politician or administrator. It just makes education more relatable and approachable.
Try New Formats Like ‘Virtual Classrooms’
Move away from carrying books to a coaching institute or fret about- Am I doing the best. Instead, join the big, wide, exciting world of ‘live classroom’ coaching. You don’t have to miss this exclusive opportunity of expert coaching, available to you online or at convenience. If your focus is clear- to become a topper and now, there is no stopping you.

Join Coaching the E-way
The Internet is being increasingly compartmentalised. Education is a niche in that sense. Many coaching institutes are now fully-equipped to assist you by providing personal access to the best study material, mock tests etc. In a way, they are aggregators to help you access the study material at one place, one time. Go, grab this opportunity. You save a lot of time in searching for the best reference books or worrying about maximum reference material accessible to you.
Even e-coaching institutes are undergoing continuous innovation to offer more dynamism to its students. Based on the real-time feedback, many coaching institutes are offering newer and integrated formats of learning such as virtual classrooms, live chat discussions with experts, etc., so that one can sit on the couch and enjoy learning or gaining further expertise on the subject. Education is slowly being transformed into a big, wide, yet, in a compact and interactive way.
Education, Technology and the Way-forward
There are different categories of students and most of them, would like to be an IAS rank holder in the first attempt. Keeping in mind such unique requirements, there are coaching institutes who are willing to approach the subject of IAS preparation more methodically and individualistically. In that sense, there is room for everyone in the education technology world.
All you and I need to do is prepare ourselves to use the best of both the worlds, which is smart technology and smarter education.
Prepare hard and prepare harder, smarter and faster with technology!

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