3 Ways To Use Snapchat For Marketing

3 ways to use Snapchat for marketing

3 ways to use Snapchat for marketing

Snapchat is good for marketing.  But to take Snapchat is an early stage platform which is incredibly popular these days and in fact, the users viewed over 7 million videos every day in the year 2016 and the new year 2017 the daily active in Snapchat and viewing videos over 150 million daily active users which are more than Twitter. 

There are some marketers who are afraid to experiment with the new platforms because as Facebook and Twitter are good in marketing so that it take any risk for the business an overall marketing mix. Something you can keep in mind that a typical marketing funnel is broken down into three main stages. 

1. Awareness

Prospect learn about the business and you have to offer and each and every details and terms and condition about the business or projects to be promoted to marketing.

2.  Interest

People show interest when there is when the prospects are good for the first phase that takes two words becoming a customer once these users sign up from the web for a company email ID.

3. Evaluation

The final Cham to buy from you is the face to which is often as the results of a sales call or an email campaign as a Snapchat is the strongest in the second stage and also in the research it's been shown that Snapchat is nearly of Forex higher engagement rate when compared to the similar platforms like Instagram.

Snapchat is strongest during the second stage when you're pleasing your scenarios and trying to create interest. In fact, research demonstrations that Snapchat gets nearly a 4x higher engagement rate related to similar platforms like Instagram. Through Snapchat, you can provide valuable content to your audience to let them see a different side of your business -- one that might not be as visible through another channel.

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