Facebook Fixes Like, Share, and Live Video Reaction Count Errors

Facebook Fixes Like, Share, and Live Video Reaction Count Errors

Facebook Fixes Like, Share, and Live Video Reaction Count Errors

Facebook is facing a different measurement problem regarding video views and ad data as it is informed recently in its official blog post on Friday. It has seen a difference in the number of posts shared and likes which was reported on its Graph API.

We must have observed all those reaction emoji’s floating across the screen during a live broadcast. We can react as many times as we want during the broadcast. Facebook is supposed to register our first reaction to control the total number of "Reactions from Shares of Post."

On the other hand, due to the faulty metrics, Facebook counted all those extra reactions under the section as well, which twisted the numbers greatly. Facebook has fixed the issue and broadcasters can now expect to see a 25 percent drop in "Reactions from Shares of Post" count. Meanwhile, their "Reactions on Post" count will increase by 500 percent.

In a blog post released by Facebook today, it said: "We have found that there may be a difference between what these metrics count and what the mobile search query counts. 

"We are looking into why inputting the URL as a search query in Facebook's mobile app might have corresponding numbers that can be higher or lower in certain cases. 

"We are working to resolve this issue so that the Like and Share button metrics and our mobile search query metrics match up, and we will notify partners as soon as we have an update." 

For live videos, Facebook disclosed it has been misallocating reactions from users. While users can react several times to a live video broadcast, Facebook's Page Visions tool has only been showing one reaction per unique user. Any further reactions were wrongly put into a different reporting column. Though the total reaction counts were correct and Facebook said it was fixing the problem.

Moreover, Facebook has also recognized an inconsistency between the counts for the Like and Share buttons and the counts when you enter a URL in the search bar. Facebook is "looking into why inputting the URL as a search query in Facebook's mobile app might have corresponding numbers that can be higher or lower in certain cases."

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