Google Play Newsstand Gets Makeover; Launches on Web

Google Play Newsstand Gets Makeover; Launches on Web

Google Play Newsstand Gets Makeover; Launches on The Web

As well as launched a brand new web application. There are any changes in the Google Play Newsstand to roll out in a couple of days. It's like Google play music, the Google Play Newsstand is getting Google’s machine learning technology that means it is relevant stories for users based on the individual interest. 

Google is rolling out the new changes on Android, IOS and Di left over the next couple of days. Google has launched new style 4.0, that is a brand new web application which was launched in the year 2013, for now, Google Play Newsstand is claimed to be using over 100 million users every month. 

Once you're given to the application a personalized briefing shows you a blind on the top stories with you need to know like in major headlines local news and some personal interest. Apart from this concern, the Google Play Newsstand will also recommend a stream of stories from the user’s favorite topics and sources which will not that is recommendation will include justification and option for getting feedback from the users about the application which will be helpful to improvise. The company believes that this will allow them to understand user preferences for stories. 

The features of the Google Play Newsstand application will also have a new autoplay videos comma easy pot as controls and HD images. The company also cleans that the rich images and videos will make the feedback come to life. As this application is launched on the web. Google claims that the new application will come without data saver mode that will allow users to be aware of data and band with preferences.

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