Consider Adding This Important Info To Your Website Today

Consider Adding This Important Info To Your Website Today

When you’re creating a website for your business, there a multiple things you need to think about. It needs to be user-friendly and have a clean and striking appearance. Your website should also have product images, links to social media and online buying capabilities. With so much to think about, it’s not surprising that a few details get overlooked along the way. If your website looks the part but lacks the most basic of information, this can have a devastating effect on your business. So make the following pieces of information a top priority and add them to your website today.

Your contact information

Your customers will want to be able to easily communicate with you for a number of reasons. They might want to enquire about an order or give you feedback on a product for example. Communicating is also key if you want to establish a loyal customer base that continually buys from you. But if your website doesn’t contain any contact information communication will be almost impossible. Create a contact form for your site or list a phone or email address for your customers to use. You might also want to list an address for your business which will be useful for customers who want to return items. If you work from home, search for Hoxton Mix virtual office services or other address providers online to get a business address set up. Also make sure links to your social media are clear on every page of your website.

The location of your business

Even if you don’t want to list a business address on your website, it should at least contain your location. Some customers prefer buying from local brands so knowing you are based nearby can be a big selling point. It can also be useful for any international clients and suppliers to know this information too. Having a location of a brand makes it easier to work out postage overseas and also time differences and shipping times. Often the best place to list your location is in the About Me page on your website. If your products are made locally, also make this known.

Customer Testimonials

Customers will often read the reviews and testimonials featured on a website before choosing to buy or work with a business. This is because it builds their confidence and trust as well as giving your business authenticity. So not including this information on your website can be a terrible mistake to make. If you don’t currently have any testimonials, contact customers you have worked with previously. Politely ask them to write a short paragraph about their experience with your company. Then add this to a testimonials page or widget on your website. Just make sure this can be easily found and accessed on the homepage of your site. Keep this page frequently updated by asking new clients for feedback.

Having this information included on your website can help give your business more personality. Original content can also make your business stand out on search engines which can boost your sales considerably. Your website provides a vital first impression so make sure you’re giving out the right one.

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