Now Google Docs, Sheets, and Slides Apps For Multitasking Support For iOS

Now Google Docs, Sheets, and Slides Apps For Multitasking Support For iOS

Finally, Google has announced multitasking support for its Drive productivity apps (Sheets, Docs, and Slides) on iOS. The Split View and Slide Over feature that Apple presented last year with the iOS 9 made multitasking on the iPad a whole lot easier. Soon after, many developers with Google began updating their apps to support Slide over multitasking and Split View.

Slide Over permits users to drag from the side of the display and for a short time access another application, however, Split View allow users to run two apps side-by-side and work on them all together. In the case of Docs, the user can even insert images and page breaks. All the three apps also get bug fixes and performance improvements.

We have no hint why Google woke up so late, but however it will be useful to those who are posted to Google services. However, Google pegs the update as the move to use two of its apps altogether. The apps, at best, are not as intuitive compared to other offerings from Microsoft.

Although Google has been taking new apps to iOS, those apps still stick to Google’s Material Design plans. Indeed, Google needs to move on, like to what Microsoft did a few years ago. After moving on from Metro UI like apps, today we have some beautiful apps for the iPad that look like they have been intended for iOS and not ported from Windows Phone. 

Unfortunately, we can't have two cases of the same app visible at the same time, though that means there's no method to see two Google Docs documents concurrently and browse between them
The user can find the new Google Sheets, Google Docs, and Google Slides versions in the App Store, where they're free downloads.

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