Facebook Is Testing A New Discover Feature For Groups

Facebook Is Testing A New Discover Feature For Groups

Facebook Is Testing A New Discover Feature For Groups.

Groups on Facebook have changed from being things we joined because they had dumb names and we were in college, to being reasonably useful ways to find new data. As a reflection of that, The Social Network is actually testing a new feature on the Android apps and iOS,International Business Times writes, dubbed "Discover." That also allow user peruse public and private groups and see which friends are in local groups, according to Mashable.

The groups are cordoned off into groups for different interests like networking, parenting, and food. The functionality is likely to roll out to more users over the next couple of weeks. 

More than 1 billion people use Facebook Groups each month. But for the world's largest social network, that just isn’t enough.

The practically decade-old product, where people around the world share “dank memes” of Bernie Sanders or can Zacquire more about the Syrian refugee crisis, is going through a redesign to make it easier for users to search for and join Groups associated with their interests.

A new add-on will allow user browse open and sealed Facebook Groups by category, including Groups their friends are in and internal Groups. The user can see what’s gaining traction in their circle, and in their city.

As a randomly-selected Facebook user in an exam group, we can endorse a Discover underline is easy and discern to use. Indeed, it’s a warn it’s taken this prolonged to hurl out something like this. 

The idea is to get Facebook users joining more, significant groups, which will, in turn, increase their time spent on Facebook, which already amounts to 50 minutes a day. The experience is now available to a set of users in the United States and will be announced more widely over the coming weeks.

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