Google Chrome Update With Your Extension Buttons Hidden In Chrome menu

Google Chrome Update With 49 Moves All Your Extension Icons

A lot of you might have experienced the change brought in the new update of Google Chrome, version 49. The most visible change in this version is that it messes up with your extension buttons hidden in your Chrome menu. The new version of Google Chrome restores all your Chrome extension buttons to be present between the address bar and the hamburger menu out in open. 

Apart from that, it also brings out the extensions which used to be integrated into the address bar itself to be placed along with other extensions in the toolbar.  Though it may appear to add functionality and easy reach to that extension but there are many like me who use a large number of extensions in their Chrome and still  want to keep their browser clean and beautiful to eyes; for them, this update can be a problem.

Google Chrome Update With Your Extension Buttons Hidden In Chrome menu
The Google’s say for this update is that, as these buttons lay hidden in the extensions menu most of the user are unaware of the extensions installed on their Chrome. TheChrome team sees this update as more of a security update as it makes aware the user of all the extensions present in the browser and provide protection from the Potentially Unwanted Programs better known as PUPs which can carry out malicious jobs hidden in the undercovers. Along with this visible change, there are in total 26 updates brought in this version of Chrome, which all more or less are security updates and fixes. Since URL bar itself would get cramped and cannot take all these extensions inside it, it's better to separate them up.

Although the changes brought are said to be a security measure, it's not been forced upon the users and anyone can get rid of these extensions buttons easily. Just a simple RIGHT CLICK on the extension button, gives the option to hide it. And if you need it back, it can be again easily restored back from the chrome menu by clicking on that hamburger button.

Source: Softpedia

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