Facebook Messenger Adds Music Sharing With Spotify

Facebook Messenger Adds Music Sharing With Spotify

Facebook Messenger Adds Music Starting With Spotify Song Sharing

Facebook Messenger is one of the most widely used apps. To increase its active user and overall user base, a company has been updating and bringing new features for the Messenger app. While Last month Facebook messenger got multiple account support, now it has received Spotify integration as well. 

LOS ANGELES, March 4 ― Facebook has announced that it is going to add music to its Facebook Messenger features that start with song sharing using Spotify. Facebook Messenger and Spotify  are working together to make it easier for a user  to share their favorite songs.

The new feature that is working on iOS and Android will allow you to share your Spotify songs or playlists directly within a chat box.

How it works?
Now All Android and IOS user will easily find a Spotify option within the Messenger “More” section in chat threads. If the user has selected Spotify, they can easily search the app as usually they would find an artists or playlist or song to share back to Messenger. If recipient’s device has Spotify app, they can open the Spotify content directly in the app. Once Spotify opens Shared songs will begin automatically.

The integration doesn’t allow users to actually play Spotify music within Messenger, at least not yet, but rather it allows users to share tracks, playlists and artists within message threads.

Facebook wrote in a post “We’re making it easy for you to let your friends know what music you are loving at any moment,” 

We can connect Spotify with email, SMS, WhatsApp, and Facebook Messenger. The feature to integrate music only works in the app, so if a user wants to talk with someone on desktop chat they won’t receive the link.

Spotify has its own sharing option so the user can easily send songs, playlists and artists to other Spotify users, however, this new Facebook Messenger feature will enable the user to share quickly and easily when chatting with friends about music. Facebook has been trying to develop a whole ecosystem of apps that work with Messenger, and Spotify is one of the bigger names to come on board.

Facebook has been steadily adding more third-party services to Messenger, integration with Spotify marks the first time the social network has added a major music service. Recently Facebook added a transportation section, with support for Uber and other transit providers coming soon.

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