Tips To Gain More From Server Backup Software

 Tips To Gain More From Server Backup Software

Tips To Gain More from Server Backup Software

Powerful backup and restore capabilities of SQL server provides reliable protection to your data. With an efficient backup and restore setup, you can sleep calmly at night. You are aware that in case of issues, your data can be recovered with minimal downtime as well as negligible disruption to users.

Tips to gain more from backup software

Use MSSQL server backup application - Windows 2000 and NT don’t backup database files that are open, when the program is running. You need to stop the SQL server service to backup open database files, which can affect production negatively. SQL server backup application is capable to perform backups, when the database is in use as well as includes any kind of changes made, during backup process.

Before using evaluate 3rd party software - 
Check the potential 3rd party packages to find out, if it can backup in-use databases. Actually, some packages stop MSSQL server service to backup files, which can be attained using Windows backup program.

Create a backup & recovery plan - 
Evaluate the various disastrous situations, when you will need to restore the database. For example, how to recover, if one disc on the server including transaction log goes missing or server gets destroyed in a fire. It is not just how to restore important but how quickly also needs to be considered. Basically, backups allow users to stay connected to databases but this is not so, during restoration process. Planning allows you to define the kind of necessary data backups and schedule their frequency.

Filegroup backup strategy is best - 
Full backup for large database cannot be conducted in your assigned time-limit. Filegroup strategy will be helpful because it reduces restoration time significantly, in case of disc failure. You can divide the database in several groups and tables.

Use differential backup whenever necessary - 
Differential backup means backing up all changes made, since last full backup. Current values of each row are captured and not the changes occurred, since last full backup process. Intermediate data values gets skipped, thus restoration with differential backup is fast.

Use mix of log and differential backups - 
A full backup of active database can be scheduled on weekend. In addition, perform differential backup every evening to record daily data changes as well as have transaction log backup several times in the day to capture all data changes made. This mixed strategy allows restoring process faster in comparison to reinstate full database backup or multiple transaction log backups.

Avoid using inappropriate differential backups - 
Differential backup appropriateness depends on how you index and update the data. If your tables include index columns with ascending numbers like customer number or order number than it is fine for differential backup.

The reason is that all the new data gets added to the end of existing data pages. In case of random data entry occurrence throughout the tables then differential backup is inappropriate. Therefore consider how to index, store and modify the data before deciding to use differential backup.

Test your strategy - 
Now is the time to verify that your restore process works efficiently and not when disaster strikes. Testing method helps to check issues with tape drives. 

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