Apple '1970' Bug Causing Devices Getting Bricked

Apple '1970' Bug Causing Devices Getting Bricked 

Now Apple is going to work on a fix for the bug of "1 January 1970 bug" that currently causing for iOS devices to crash. They are planning that. This fix is slated going to be releasing in the upcoming model iOS update.

The date bug harmed not only iPhone models but the different 64-bit Apple device as iPad and iPod touch as same. It is causing the device to crash when the date was automatically set on 1 January 1970 or before then that. The device set to this date went into a continue reboot loop, basically caused the device to be bricked.

Apple acknowledged that the problem on 15 February and Apple support posted a general update on their website by the name "If you will change the date to May 1970 or before then that and you cannot restart your iPhone, iPad or iPod touch". The latest update said: "If you are manually changing the date to 1970 or earlier can help your iOS device from turn on after the restart. A latest software update is going to help this problem from affecting the iOS device. If you are facing such issues, you can directly contact Apple Support."

Although Apple has not cleared the exact reason of the bug, one of the most popular YouTuber Tom Scott told that if you are manually setting the date to 1 January 1970 or before then that can also be interpreted at 00:00:00 in the UNIX time, the Wired reported. In iPhone models, time is showing in integer form, so the total numbers of seconds displayed since 1970. Consequently, if you are changing the time, came back to 1970 or before then that it would cause you the total number of value to become zero or transform into negative numbers finally bricking the device.

The Users are already affected a lot by this bug so it can make one attempt to fix their Apple models by themselves by either removing your battery or restoring the data from iTunes or in DFU mode. However, until Apple releases a fix for this bug in its upcoming update, it may be prudent to wait.

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