UK Intelligence Agency GCHQ Launched Cryptoy APP For Kids

UK Intelligence Agency GCHQ Launched Cryptoy APP For Kids.

Cryptoy App is created for educational purpose. This app use for to learn basic encryption techniques. You can create your own encoded messages and letting you have crack it. Cryptoy does not request permission to Android devices’ cameras, location or contacts information. 

This fun and educational app teaches you about the mysterious world of cryptography. It helps you to understand ciphers and keys, and enables you to create encrypted messages that you can share with your friends.

You'll learn about four encryption techniques:
- Shift
- Substitution
- Vigenère
- Enigma

You'll have a fun and interactive way of building your own messages using each technique, as well as learning the history behind their use.
Once you've created a message, you can share it with your friends and see if they can decrypt it. It's up to you how much help of information you give them!

Cryptoy is brought to you by STEM students sponsored by GCHQ, the UK intelligence agency responsible for providing Signals Intelligence (SIGINT) to Her Majesty's Government. We are also the UK's National Technical Authority for Information Assurance, and provide guidance on the use of technology and encryption.

Robert Hannigan, Director GCHQ, said,

"Building maths and cyber skills in the younger generation is essential for maintaining the cyber security of the UK and growing a vibrant digital economy. That is why I am keen for GCHQ to give something back through its work with school and universities.

"In particular, the Cryptoy app is a colourful, interactive way for students and their teachers to explore the fascinating world of cryptography. The app was developed by GCHQ’s industrial placement students and trialled at a number of science fairs. I hope it will inspire further study of this key topic, which has played such an important part in our past and is an invaluable part of our future."

Download App

Source: GCHQ

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