Enjoy Your Travel In Window Less Plane

Enjoy your Travel In Window Less Plane.

Enjoy your Travel with Window Less Plane. Imagine you are flying with clouds. The Centre for process Innovation (CPI) UK aerospace firm creates the open concept for future technology

CPI is a member of the UK’s prestigious High Value Manufacturing Catapult. By creating an efficient manufacturing supply chain for windowless fuselage technology, the solutions developed can be rapidly commercialised.

Digital print systems that can provide not only the highly detailed designs necessary to make displays, but also to do this over large areas, so that designers have flexibility over the size of the screens that they use in the cabin.
“Removing the windows will significantly reduce the weight of the aircraft, saving fuel and therefore reducing operational costs,” says Matthew Herbert, marketing manager for CPI. “The windows will be replaced by high quality flexible OLED displays that are connected to digital cameras integrated into the exterior of the plane,” he says.

Gareth Davies, chief designer at Technicon Design, the company behind the concept, said:
"Certain elements are already possible...such as the flexible displays."The idea is to push the boundaries."He added that future technology would hopefully allow people to display whatever images they wanted, the content only being "limited by your imagination."


Source: CPIABCTelegraph

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