Mobile Movement Pushes Gaming Towards 100-Billion Dollar Industry

Mobile Movement Pushes Gaming Towards 100-Billion Dollar Industry.

There’s always room for improvement and boy, has gaming really capitalized on that room. Mobile technology advancements have pushed boundaries in the overall gaming landscape, driving creativity and innovation as well as consumer growth. The gaming industry is projected to pass the 100-billion dollar mark by 2017, a huge feat that can be majorly credited to mobile gaming.

Leveling the Playing Field
Mobile and online gaming will account for $60 billion of the predicted $100 billion projection and the great question is, will mobile gaming replace traditional game consoles all together? Only time will tell, but it’s safe to say, mobile gaming technology is rapidly developing to match the same immersive experience offered by PCs and regular gaming systems. In 2008, the first Android smartphone ran on a 528MHz processor, with just 192MB of RAM, 256MB of internal storage and a 3.2-inch 320 x 480 display. 

In only six years, tablet and smartphone technology has advanced leaps and bounds and is now run by powerhouses like the 1.7GHz Qualcomm Snapdragon chip, a processor that supports crystal clear visuals and smooth, online 3D gaming. As the playing field continues to level out between the two gaming platforms, software developers in both mobile and regular gaming are pushed to keep up and better their product, creating more options for consumers and encouraging market growth. 

Innovation Drives Sales 

Mario Kart and World of Warcraft cater to a specific “gamer” type. Mobile gaming however, attracts a majority of the general public - many of us that are on the go, seeking entertainment during commute, and looking to connect with others in a quick and simple format. Games like “Draw Something” have been born – one player draws a picture by tracing his/her finger on a touchscreen, then sends the masterpiece to another player. This is an exchange made possible because fast network connection has become more and more available anywhere and everywhere, fueling further possibilities within mobile gaming. Consumers have progressed towards a mobile mentality/lifestyle that has challenged gaming producers to think outside the box and become extra competitive. 

Competition is always a motivator, and in the realm of gaming, increased competition ensures that output is always the best it can be at the moment. Compared to physical video games that go for $60 a pop, mobile gaming has created an entirely new shopping center – app stores where games come plentiful and are free to download or cost less than five bucks. With the volume of games available in a noisy app marketplace, the selling strategy has been adapted and game publishers now have to focus on distribution and acquisition, something that can be aided with newer advertising tactics and creative targeting tools such as Facebook

We Are All Gamers 

Whether its access to social media, ability to control life at the tip of your fingers, the satisfaction of winning a competition, or even feeling loved by others via dating apps like Tinder (a game in and of itself), mobile technology has allowed us to build our own world of instant gratification and ego fulfillment – aligning almost exactly with the core principles of gaming. Mobile gaming presents an opportunity for people of all walks to easily manage life the way they want to see it.  

The progressive movement in mobile technology has broadened the market by offering a different definition to gaming. Mobile gaming has enabled gaming to reach an untapped audience, bringing out the gamer within all of us, and further driving innovative products that continue to fuel the economic boom.  

About The Author:
Jessica Oaks, I am a freelance writer who loves to cover technology and the ways that technology makes life easier. I also am an associate editor at Freshly Techy and regularly contribute to Yahoo! Finance.

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