Apple Hires Senior Executive Of Fashion Watches Company Tag Heuer For Build iWatch

Apple Hires Tag Heuer For Build Own iWatch. Apple aims to launch iWatch in October 2014. TAG Heuer is an Switzerland based company to design and manufacture of fashion watches, company also do the marketing of eyewear and mobiles phones. Now Apple hires senior executive of Tag Heuer to help it on launch of Apple iWatch this year.

Apple iWatch will run on iOS with biometrics and will be featured with new advance technology. Sources said this device will sporty look with a slightly rectangular design measured in 2.5 inches. Also it includes multiple health and fitness sensor and can read your messages and notification through iPad and iPhone.

"I think he was probably head-hunted," a Tag Heuer spokeswoman said of Pruniaux, adding a replacement had already been found.

Analysts and industry executives say the jury is still out on whether smart watches will disrupt the luxury Swiss watch industry.

"I don’t believe that an iWatch will be a threat to luxury Swiss watches," said Jon Cox, analyst at Kepler Cheuvreux in Zurich.

"But where I do see some potential impact is at lower, for example below $1,000, price points where there could be a temporary dislocation if there is super high demand for iWatches."

Concept Video:


Source: Reuters

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