LifeLock Removed Wallet App From App Store For Security

LifeLock Removed Wallet App From App Store For the Security. LifeLock is the identity theft protection American based company. The company offers the LifeLock identity theft protection system, which is intended to detect fraudulent applications for various credit and non-credit related services.

Company took decision to deleting all data stored from their server, by current users after it perceive the complaints of their security.

LifeLock CEO and Chairman Todd Davis said statement in its blog
"I want to make you aware of an issue that we identified related to our recently acquired LifeLock Wallet application. We have determined that certain aspects of the mobile app may not be fully compliant with payment card industry (PCI) security standards. 

For that reason, we are removing the LifeLock Wallet application from the App Store, Amazon Apps, and Google Play, and when users open the LifeLock Wallet, their information will be deleted in the app."

He also said there was no evidence that user information were compromised but they deleting all currently data was "the right thing to do". LifeLock users are also annoying after company decision. But the company sure that LifeLock Wallet will available again.

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