Apple And Google Agreed To Settle Patent War On Smartphones

Apple And Google Agreed To Settle Patent War On Smartphones.

According to Time, “Apple and Google have agreed to dismiss all the current lawsuits that exist directly between the two companies,”
“Apple and Google have also agreed to work together in some areas of patent reform.” The companies said their deal didn’t include an agreement to license technology to each other, which would be virtually unthinkable because Google’s Android OS and Apple’s iOS compete as the top two mobile operating systems in the world."

Motorola filed a patent Lawsuit against Apple in US federal court in 2010.  Google took legal dispute on Motorola when its bought Motoroal Mobility in 2012. In Jan 2014 Google have agreed to sell Motorola mobility to Lenovo for $2.9B.
Samsung And Apple still litigation on Patents war. 

Apple wons Patent case agains Samsung last year
Samsung makes plan of patent Suit on iPhone 5

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