The Best Cover Letters And Resumes To Use

The Best Cover Letters And Resumes To Use. When it comes to writing a cover letter and resume, there are certain points that you need to ensure you’ve covered. From there, you want to also make sure you stand out and make it easy for employers to see what you can do.

At Fueled, we receive resumes weekly. Some of them have great cover letters, others go straight in the bin, and a small portion don’t even come with one. Avoid going straight into the trash by ensuring that your resume and cover letter are outstanding.
Here is a list of our top 5 cover letters and resumes:

1.  Cold Contact Cover Letter – When it comes to finding the right job, sometimes you have to go out there and look for it rather than waiting for it to be advertised. This is when a cold contact cover letter is appropriate. The linked example is similar to one we received recently and it hits three major points we look for: an understanding of what we do, relevant experience, direct and short.

2.  Job Application Letter – This type of cover letter should be used when applying for a specific advertised job, online or either in the newspaper, and is the most common. We recently received a few fantastic letters like this - which resulted in hires - for jobs we had advertised. Akin to the cold contact cover letter, this cover letter hits the major points but also highlights, through bullet points, specific experience as it pertains to the job being applied for. Prospective employers can short list viable applicants this way before even reading their resumes.

3.  Convincing Cover Letter – While this isn’t a cover letter we have received ourselves, we still thought it was worth sharing. It highlights that sometimes the perfect job comes along but the prospective employer isn’t offering quite the right terms. A convincing cover letter gives you the opportunity to highlight why you are worth different conditions and showcases your experience. You really have to wow with this letter, though. Like in the example, make yourself straightforward but relatable. Adding that extra personal touch means you gave that letter the time and attention that you will also put into your work.

4.   The One Page Resume – Featured in Business Insider Australia, this resume showcases a style that we at Fueled prefer. One page resumes are perfect: they provide just enough detail for recruiters and prospective employers to make a decision quickly. All pertinent information like your phone number, email address, work experience in chronological order, and achievements should be clearly outlined. Don’t forget to link to a social media account, LinkedIn preferably. Instead of the archaic objective statement, write an executive summary instead. Use three to five sentences to explain your value and why you’d be useful to have an employee. This type of resume makes it to our short-list 8 times out of 10, so it’s a good idea to create your own!

5.  Targeted Resume – When applying for a specific position, a targeted works very well. We receive resumes that are a mix of one page and targeted often. The idea is to tailor the entire resume around the job requirements and specifications, only listing previous experience and qualifications that are relevant to the actual job you’re applying for. This type of resume is ideal if you have worked in one industry or position for a while and are looking to move into something similar. 

The bottom line when it comes to great resumes and cover letters is to make yourself stand out amongst the countless resumes and cover letters employers receive. Showcase why you are an asset to those around you and you’ll never be without job.

About The Author:
This article has written by Ilan Nass, working with Fueled is the world’s premier development and strategy firm specializing in creating Android and iPhone apps.

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