How Social Media Can Help To Get Your Dream Job?

How Social Media Can Help To Get Your Dream Job? At today environment every person is using internet. There are many companies who contact job seekers through Social media. You just creating your profiles on LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook. These websites are top social network website to search your job. 

Employees uses social media website like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn for post a Jobs. Research from a global security company discovered that more than 90% of Human Resources professionals search for unprotected social media profiles in order to assess a candidate suitability. This study was based on survey of 230 HR professionals in the US and UK and 4,400 job seekers between the ages of 18 and 25. You have to create professional profile and don't attach funny profile pics of yours so that employers get a good impression on you. 

LinkedIn is best website for job seekers. Because many Job providing companies or websites can demand your LinkedIn profile as your Resume. On LinkedIn its a perfect for post jobs, it can then be used to find jobs, people and business opportunities recommended by someone in one's contact network. Employers can list jobs and search for potential candidates. You can also get more information about the company by their profile. So it will quite helpful to join right company.

On Twitter you can use hash tag for search your job. Like example #job. Just follow the companies where you want to do work. Their tweets will keep you updating to find a job.
Also you can use Tweetdeck to search a jobs. TweetDeck is a social media dashboard application for management of Twitter accounts. Like other Twitter applications it interfaces with the Twitter API to allow users to send and receive tweets.

On Facebook make sure your status can attract the employers. Be private your picture. Like company pages and send them a message as job seeker. Most of the recruiters will be on Facebook. Remember Facebook is not a professional network like LinkedIn but you have to identify which company is recruiting your profile. Make connection  as much more possible to keep update. Join Job groups it will more helpful to discuss and post about particular key skills. Also you will be get noticed by others for upcoming job opportunities.

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