Hacker Unveiled That How He Hacked Obamacare Website

Hacker Unveiled That How He Hacked Obamacare Website. David Kennedy defined the technique about the Passive reconnaissance which was used for penetrate the website of Healthcare.gov 

According to Trustedsec Kevin Mitnick who was the world most wanted hacker and now he works as cyber security consulatant said in PDF, "It would be hacker's wet dream to break into healthcare.gov

And these type of attacks that I’m mentioning here, and the 70,000 [personal records Kennedy found] that you’re referencing, is very easy to do It’s a rudimentary type attack that doesn't actually attack the website itself. It extracts information from it without actually having to go into the system.”

“Think of it this way. Think of something where you have a car and the car doors are open and the windows are open — you can see inside of it. That’s basically what they allow you to do and there’s no real sophistication level here — it’s just really wide open. So there’s no hacking actually involved.”


Source: Dailycaller

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