HTC Allegedly Working On One With Stock Android

HTC is working on another version of HTC One that runs the stock Android 4.2 Jelly Bean operating System for the US market to actually compete the special edition of the Samsung Galaxy S4 running the same operating system.
Google unveiled this special edition of their Samsung Galaxy S4 running the stock Android 4.2 Jelly bean at the I/O 2013 which surprised everyone and now HTC has followed the path into doing the same with the HTC One for a similar version to its US market.
The HTC is working on this version of the HTC One as opposed to the earlier expected usual sense UL according to the sources at the

HTC and Google working in collaboration to come up with this version
Currently it is not clear whether Google has actually joined hands with HTC to come up with this new version of HTC One running on stock Android Jelly Bean.
The fact that the two companies are working together or not will actually indicate if the device will be sold through the HTC’ own online stores or through the Google Play Store. It will also determine if this HTC One will be able to get frequent updates on a timely basis.
It is always known that if the updates are not always directly from Google then the stock Android may not necessarily guarantee the quick updates for the device.
It is very likely that this new version of HTC One that is running the stock Android Jelly Bean operating system is done through a collaboration of both Google and the HTC to come up with a final end product. During the I/O 2013, Barra briefly mentioned the HTC One before announcing the Galaxy 4 which they announced its version that runs stock Android Jelly Bean earlier this year.

What about the availability and price of this version of HTC One?
This HTC One running the stock Android Jelly Bean is actually expected to be released in the US market only. Currently there is still no information as to whether it will be availed globally later on even though the move to take it to US only is not such a great idea for the company but they usually work in that manner.
The price of this version of the HTC One is not yet specified either by the HTC Company or in any event for that matter but you will definitely get posted as more information concerning this is given.

About The Auhtor:
Micheal Symonds belongs to technical industry, willing to share his valuable ideas. Our exclusively prepared MB6-886 exam preparation material is quite handy for your success in MB6-884 exam. Take the benefit or our preparation material and derive the better end results.

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