Top Five Entertainment Windows Mobile Apps

Apps seem to be one of the main reasons for buying a smartphone. With an app for almost everything available, the consumers are having a ball. And the Windows operated mobiles are in for a treat too. Here are the top five entertainment apps for a windows mobile.

1. WunderRadio: 
A hit with the Blackberry and iPhone user, this radio app is now available for windows users too. Internet radio stations are ‘in’ now, and finding the one you like, is a tough task. The WunderRadio app helps you by sorting these stations into different genres and categories and also have the option to mark the radio stations you favoured ones. Available at a price of $9.99 or £6.71. Download

2. SightReader & Windows Mobile Guitar Chords: 
Playing a guitar is not as easy as it looks and remembering the notes and chords can be an equally tough job. However, apps like SightReader helps you learn/recall where the note is on the guitar and the Guitar Chords app that help you learn the chords, it displays the way it is played, according to the chord you choose. Download

3. Flixster: There are times when we hear a lot of good reviews about a movie, and you want to catch it in the theatres but somehow always manage to miss it. The Flixster app will definitely save you from that problem. The app provides you with the information regarding latest releases, DVD release, ratings by the audience and Rotten Tomatoes and even the nearest theatre playing the movie! You can even watch the trailers of the movies of your favourite celebrity and pin it to the start menu. Download

4. The Idiot Test: There was a time when you would take the quiz ‘are you stupid’ or ‘how dumb are you’ just to have a laugh and have the satisfaction of proving that quiz wrong. The “Idiot Test” app is just another way to chuckle and beat the various games in the test. Prove that you’re better than the caveman, monkey or a full idiot, the games are designed in such a way that you might just make a mistake, when tapping for a particular number of times or games where your brain is forced to work in another way. Download

5. FML: Meant purely for fun and for the entertainment of the hundreds of people bored out of their minds, the FML app lets you in on the silly things that happen to people that throws their life off-track. You can even vote depending on whether you think they deserved it or they are simply being overdramatic. The archives are filled with funny and sometime hilarious experiences that people encounter with around the world. Download

While the Windows App World is not as great as the iPhone’s or the Android, but it’s definitely getting there. With more and more apps being introduced, the windows user also has quite a lot of interesting apps to entertain him. 

Author Bio
I am Maria R and I work as a web designer. I have designed for a lot of companies like fashion advertising, blogs, and PPI claim back etc. I love technology and constantly keep myself updated about the technological innovations around the world. Reach me @ppiclaimsmaria

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