Latest Jailbreak iOS Device Hacked In Four Days By Evasion

iOS Device Hacked In Four Days By Evasion. Hacking group called evad3rs has released tool to jailbreak devices iOS 6.0, 6.0.1, 6.0.2 and 6.1.This tool is available for OS X, Windows, Linux. This is the first jail breaking software for the iPhone 5 and iOS 6.1. iOS jail breaking is the process of removing the limitations on Apple devices running the iOS operating system through the use of software and hardware exploits – such devices include the iPhone, iPod touch, iPad, and second generation Apple TV. Jail breaking permits root access to the iOS operating system, allowing the download of additional applications, extensions, and themes that are unavailable through the official Apple App Store.

evad3rs update their twitter account

Tool released on Monday Cydia admin Jay Freeman says" it tool 136 days to crack iOS 6.1 as compared to the previous jailbreak 98 days. the tool was used on 5.15 million iPhones,  1.35 million iPads, and 400,000 iPod touches in the first four days since release Cydia which acts as a repository for jailbreak software, has seen “insanely more new traffic” since the evasi0n release".


Source: Arstechnica

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