IPhone 6 And Its Wireless Charging as The Best Feature Among Other Latest Mobile Phones

Finally, Apple is expected to launch the iPhone 6 for your total prestigious device. However, people still doubt that the next June 2013 will be the launching day of the iPhone 6 because some reviewers consider that Apple may only launch iPhone 5S. Whichever the name is, the gadget from Apple will have a bigger screen compared to its predecessors.
This is because Apple finds that several other latest mobile phones—Samsung S2 and S3—have bigger screens. 
So that users can have better viewing on their multimedia files or any other office tasks. Yet, the bigger screen does not mean that there will be increasing the length though the width should be increased. 
Main Competitor of iPhone 6
iPhone fanatics love to have a broader keyboard so that they can type anything from emails to books or web pages easier. With a much broader margin, there will be an easier way to read and write at the same time. However, we should note that there is always a competitor for Apple's next-generation iPhone. Maybe we can expect the latest S4 of Samsung Galaxy which is predicted to be launched in February, at the same time with Mobile World Congress.
Will there be some surprises from iPhone 6? Well., it seems that there will be more cores on the iPhone6 so that there will be no delay or lag during any application. iPhone 6 will try to resemble  the Nokia 920 or Galaxy S3 that boast quad-core. 
Price of iPhone 6
What about the price? The price of the iPhone 6 may not be cheaper than its predecessor and it seems that it will be more expensive. Some experts know for sure that Apple has filed for an application with patent right for the wireless system of charging by making the most of Wireless Power Utilization. So, charging has never been easier.
The whole finishing of the latest iPhone 6 is from high quality stainless steel instead of the plastic—just like what those Android latest mobile phones have. So, expensive price is worth paying. Some people just do not mind spending more than $500 for iPhone 6, but others prefer to buy an Android for a much cheaper price.  

Previously, when iPhone 5 was firstly launched, it was expected as the best Smartphone among others. As there will be iPhone 6 which is coming soon, there is not much to expect. We can estimate that iPhone 6 has:
Text messaging
Voice calls, voice mail, voice dialing
Web browsing 
High End Multimedia player
All in all, all kinds of iPhones always provide users with great entertainment from the official store  iTunes. There are several other Apps that users are able to install, for entertainment or for office tasks. If iPhones 5 are regarded as the best one, then iPhone lovers only want to add their prestigious appearance when they own iPhone 6 next year. Basically, almost all iPhones have the same features, only the latest one will have wireless charging feature. And this becomes a great stand out. 

About The Author:
Fenix Raw is an IT professional from Test4prep.Are you really Looking for this 70-332 Test assistance? Move ahead to take the benefit of 70-498 Test and pass your exam easily.

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