Google Doodle Has Celebrated Eadweard J. Muybridge 182nd Birthday

Google Celebrate Eadweard J. Muybridge 182nd Birthday

Google Celebrates Eadweard J. Muybridge's 182nd Birtday in Google Doodle at today.  21 images of race horses on the Google homepage. when we clicked on play button then animation is start and all 21 horses are in motion . 
He was born in  9 Apr 1830,  On the time of 9 Apr 1830 to 8 May 1904 Eadweard is known for his pioneering work on animal locomotion, He continued his experiments with photography until his death in 8 May 1904.  which includes use of multiple cameras to capture motion and he invented a device called the zoopraxiscope to animate his photographs. 
Muybridge started to build his reputation in 1867 with photos of Yosemite and San Francisco. He was soon noticed for his landscape photographs.


On 27th March Google had celebrated Ludwig Mies Van Der Rohe 126th Birthday who was an famous Architecture.

Video Source: TagSeoBlog

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