Facebook Is Creating Own Search Engine

Facebook Creating Own Search Engine
The most famous Social networking website Facebook now creating own search engine. A team of more than 20 Facebook engineers onto this Project led by a former Google engineer  Lars Rasmussen is at work on improved search engine within the social network site, according a Businessweek report.
The report said the project aims to enable users to more easily search Facebooks status updats, posted articles , Pictures and Videos. And Analyst noted, the new search engine could keep Facebook users from jumping off the social networking site to use Google search engine. 
“Search is the best form of monetization on the Web by far, and they are leaving that on the table,” says Doug Leeds, chief executive officer of search engine Ask.com.
At present web search on Facebook is powered by Microsoft Bing search engine.

"I am aware of rumors that Facebook is working on a search capability that will slowly siphon off Google search customers," said Patrick Moorhead, an analyst at Moor Insights & Strategy.
"Search is still the number one use of the Web and is the front door for most users. Facebook obviously owns social networking but needs to rapidly grow through generic search and mobile," he added.
So now lets see that how will Facebook get sucess on this project.

Video Source: Mashable

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