Britney spears fan following reached 1st position in Top 5 Followers on Google Plus.
Britney spears has recently beat Google CEO Larry Page as Google + as most followed person.

Britney Spears , pop singer turned officially take top honors as the most followed person on Google +
Brtiney Spears leads at 777033 followers and Google CEO leads at 765581.
The rest of Top Google plus follows:
Top model Tyra Banks with position 5,
Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg with postion 4,
SnoopDogg Rapper with postion 3,
Google CEO Larry Page with postion 2,
And Last at top Britney Spears with Postion 1 in most followed person Google Plus.
Britney is also famous at other Social Networking website like Twitter, In Twitter Britney Spears is fifth most followed with over 11.4 million followers and is behind Lady Gaga, Justien Bieber, Katy Perry and kim kardashian